Destiny's Blog
Thou Shalt Not Steal
This teaching has been heavy on my heart for some days now.
Thou Shalt Not Steal
This teaching has been heavy on my heart for some days now.
My Donor Wall: You Made My Junior Year of Colle...
My first day of classes was August 26. And you made it very special. Read why on my donor wall.
My Donor Wall: You Made My Junior Year of Colle...
My first day of classes was August 26. And you made it very special. Read why on my donor wall.
Destiny Jackson and A Small Token of Gratitude
I want you to never forget that small tokens of gratitude change the the world.
Destiny Jackson and A Small Token of Gratitude
I want you to never forget that small tokens of gratitude change the the world.
Help Me Attend My Junior Year!
Read more about how you can help me attend my junior year of college!
Help Me Attend My Junior Year!
Read more about how you can help me attend my junior year of college!
The Flow of Generosity ❤
Earlier today, I was browsing in the book store and I saw 2 cute kids reading books in Barnes and Nobles with their Mom.
The Flow of Generosity ❤
Earlier today, I was browsing in the book store and I saw 2 cute kids reading books in Barnes and Nobles with their Mom.
Put Your Trust in God
This programming is made possible by you. Contribute and become a partner today.
Put Your Trust in God
This programming is made possible by you. Contribute and become a partner today.