Destiny's Blog
Remembering Our Veterans
Destiny's heartwarming message to our veterans. Read inside.
Remembering Our Veterans
Destiny's heartwarming message to our veterans. Read inside.
Use An Abacus Dear...
Can you believe we are investing more than $40,000 a year for professors to have the discretion to decide whether or not they will post grades for individual assignments on Blackboard?
Use An Abacus Dear...
Can you believe we are investing more than $40,000 a year for professors to have the discretion to decide whether or not they will post grades for individual assignments on Blackboard?
Walking in Righteousness
Yesterday, I realized that one team member may have plagiarized work for a team assignment that is due today.
Walking in Righteousness
Yesterday, I realized that one team member may have plagiarized work for a team assignment that is due today.
She Remembereth No More the Anguish
I love my Mommy. ^_^
She Remembereth No More the Anguish
I love my Mommy. ^_^
Praying for Leah
Leah—Congratulations on winning your special prayer video that you can watch forever and ever.
Praying for Leah
Leah—Congratulations on winning your special prayer video that you can watch forever and ever.