Destiny's Blog
Minnie Destiny!
Flashback to me today on the passenger side while Mom drove me to school!
Minnie Destiny!
Flashback to me today on the passenger side while Mom drove me to school!
Psychology Class. God's Creations. And Neurolog...
Psychology Class. God's Creations. And Neurologists. On Tuesday, October 27, 2015, I sure was in for a shock!
Psychology Class. God's Creations. And Neurolog...
Psychology Class. God's Creations. And Neurologists. On Tuesday, October 27, 2015, I sure was in for a shock!
Tweeting in Action: My #DemDebate Highlights!
The Democratic Presidential debate aired Tuesday, October 13, 2015. I added my voice to the conversation. Highlights inside.
Tweeting in Action: My #DemDebate Highlights!
The Democratic Presidential debate aired Tuesday, October 13, 2015. I added my voice to the conversation. Highlights inside.
Listen to My New Meditation
Listen to my new meditation just for you! Feast on this.
Listen to My New Meditation
Listen to my new meditation just for you! Feast on this.
Statement by Destiny Jackson on Remembering Jul...
Julian Bond was a leader who added value to the fabric of our society.
Statement by Destiny Jackson on Remembering Jul...
Julian Bond was a leader who added value to the fabric of our society.
The Heavens Declare Yahweh's Glory
The heavens declare the glory of Yahweh; and the firmament sheweth his handywork (Psalm 19:1). It was a full moon tonight!
The Heavens Declare Yahweh's Glory
The heavens declare the glory of Yahweh; and the firmament sheweth his handywork (Psalm 19:1). It was a full moon tonight!